Lose weight by hot water and lemon juice

Lemon Juice and hot water will make you lose weight

The lemon is a species of small evergreen tree origin to Asia.
Its yellow fruit is used for different purposes throughout the world, especially for its juice. Its pulp and rind are also used in cooking and baking. Its juice contains 5-6% citric acid that gives a sour taste. Due to its specific sour taste of lemon juice; it is used in making different beverages like lemonade etc.

The history of lemon is not known, it is thought to have first grown in India, Burma or China. A study of the genetic origin of the lemon reports it to be a hybrid, between orange and citron.
How Lemon Juice contributes in losing weight?

Drinking a lot of lemon juice and hot water won’t quickly make you lose weight dramatically, but it’s a way that might make a difference. Lemon juice has naturally gifted substances that are very helpful in losing weight. By adding lemon pulp in the lemon juice you’ll add pectin, which helps you feel full. But the best way this drink helps in losing weight is when it replaces other high-calorie beverages.

Lemon juice contains two most important constituents that are associated with losing extra weight. The first constituent is vitamin C.It is inversely related to body mass, means more vitamin C and less weight and vice versa.The Latest, research also proves that the people with good amount of vitamin c in the blood break down extra fat during exercise.

Lemons also have a good, amount of hesperetin, which is an antioxidant bioflavonoid. According to a recent study, when laboratory mice ate a high-fat diet, the animals that also consumed hesperetin gained significantly less weight than rats that did not receive the flavonoid. The researchers concluded that all rats consumed the same amount of calories, and the differences in weight were not caused by lipid oxidation; more studies are needed to verify how hesperetin affects weight and whether it has the same impact in the humans.

Effect of Drinking Hot Water

One way hot water supports in your diet is by keeping you hydrated. You may eat less when you’re well hydrated. Hot water requires fewer calories to digest than cold water. Simply drinking water uses calories to fuel digestion. According to a recent study, drinking 2 glass of water increases energy expenditure by 24 percent over 60 minutes.

Hot water may also help you lose weight when you drink it before meals. In one study, 48 overweight adults were divided into two groups. Both groups followed a low-calorie diet, but only one group drank 2 glass of water before each meal. After 12 weeks, the water-drinking group lost 4 more pounds than the other group.

Use Lemon Juice and Hot Water

One of the most important ways that a lemon juice and hot water drink can help you lose weight is by using it to replace calorie-containing beverages. You can really reduce in daily calories if you replace sugar-sweetened soft drinks. A 2-tablespoon serving of lemon juice has 7 calories.

 Even if you included all the pulp from a large lemon, you’d only get 24 calories.As long as you don’t add a caloric sweetener to your lemon juice and water; it’s a very-low-calorie beverage. By comparing, 1 cup of sweetened cola contains 103 calories and 24 grams of added sugar. A typical small cola from a fast-food restaurant has double the calories and sugar.

Since weight loss is achieved by consuming fewer calories than your body burns, drinking lemon juice and hot water instead of any other caloric beverages you normally drink is a good place to start cutting calories without losing nutrients.

Pectin in Lemon Pulp can Support  in losing Weight

Lemons are very good sources of pectin, which is a soluble fiber and turns into a gel when mixed with water. It also lowers cholesterol, so protects against cardio disorders. It may also help you lose weight. As pectin absorbs moisture, it fills your stomach, which creates the sensation of feeling full and makes it easier to eat less. If you eat carbs with it, the gel-like mass prevents spikes in blood glucose. Keeping blood sugar balanced means you don’t have extra sugar that the body will store as fat.

While pectin supports weight loss, you won't get much from the plain lemon juice. About 60 percent of the total weight of lemon pulp consists of pectin. So use the pulp to get the best result.
