Tips for a strong beating heart

Tips for a strong beating heart


The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients as well as helps in the removing metabolic wastes. The heart is located between the lungs in the chest.
Here are some tips to have a strong beating heart. By following these tips you can avoid Heart diseases.

Tip # 1 Eat healthy fats

We eat fats in our diet that include saturated and polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats. One fat we don’t need is Trans fat which is known to increase your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke over a lifetime. This is because Trans fat clogs your arteries by increasing your bad (LDL) and lowering your good cholesterol levels (HDL). By cutting them from your diet, you improve the blood flow throughout your body.

Tip # 2 Stop Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is dangerous for health. Smokers have more chances of getting heart problems than non-smokers, also passive smoking should also be avoided. Breathing secondhand smoke increases bad cholesterol levels, reduces good cholesterol, and increases your blood's tendency to clot.

Tip # 3 Lose some pounds if you are overweight

Healthy weight is the first priority for a good health. If you're overweight try to lose weight 10-20 pounds so that your risk of getting a heart attack comes down. A 10-year study found that overweight people had heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than normal-weight victims.

Tip # 4 Do exercise regularly

Your heart is made up of muscles, and it gets healthier and stronger by exercise. Regular exercise will help you in many ways. It will burn calories, will lower LDL. The persons who exercise regularly have 60 percent less risk of heart attack than inactive persons do.

Tip # 5 Drink plenty of water

Men who drink that many 10-12 glasses are 54 percent less likely to have a fatal heart attack than those who drink less. Researchers say the water dilutes the blood, making it less likely to clot.

Tip # 6 Use Tea Not coffee

A recent study found that people who take three cups of tea a day have half the risk of heart attack of those who don't drink tea at all. Potent antioxidants, called flavonoids, provide a safer effect.

Tip # 7 Eat Salmon and Tuna

Latest research says that eating fish at least twice a week lowers heart-disease risk by more than 30 percent. The magic ingredient is the omega-3 fatty acids which are found in good amount in Salmon and Tuna.

Tip # 8 Take Corn Flakes for Breakfast

This cereal contains one of the highest concentrations of folate (675 micrograms) of any cereal. According to researchers taking in that much folic acid daily cuts your danger of Heart diseases by 13 percent.

Tip # 9 Eat Watermelon

It contains about 40 percent more lycopene than is found in raw tomatoes, and a new study shows that your body absorbs it at higher levels due to the melon's high water content. It's good amount can make your heart strong.

Tip # 10 Get enough sleep

Sleep is an important part of keeping your heart healthy and fit. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be at a higher risk for heart disease. One study looking at 3,000 adults over the age of 45 found that those who slept fewer than six hours per night were about twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack as people who slept six to eight hours per night. Researchers believe sleeping too little causes disruptions in underlying health conditions and biological processes, including blood pressure and inflammation.
