Fruits to Get Healthy and Glowing Skin

Fruits to get Healthy and Glowing Skin

Fruits are a natural atomic bomb of energy. The health benefits of fruits guarantee you perfect health and a well-built body in the long run. Fruits can provide you with all type of nutrients. Moreover, fruits help you to stay away from health certain complications like heat stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disorders and diabetes.

 By making a few changes in the diet like fruits in your daily diet can provide you with a healthy and glowing skin. Eating fruits helps in skin rejuvenation, natural hydration, and improvement of skin texture. It also gives you a glowing complexion and makes the skin appear fresh. Fruits have no side effects and are cost-effective at the same time. They are free from toxins and provide a lot of skin and health benefits.

Best Fruits for Glowing Skin:

Here are a few fruits which can give us fair and glowing skin.


Bananas are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E, act as an anti-aging agent. Try a face mask in which a freshly mashed banana is mixed with honey to get glowing skin. They are a rich source of fiber, minerals, magnesium and potassium, which help in proper blood circulation in our body and immune us against different diseases.


Like all citrus fruits, it has a high Vitamin C content and natural bleaching agent, making it a good cleanser that lightens acne scars, spots, and skin tone. Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. This fights cellulite and clears your skin.


Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C  and help in improving the skin texture. They remove blemishes and slow down the process of aging. Orange peels have a higher percentage of vitamin C than the fruit itself. Dry the peels in the sun and grind them to prepare orange peel powder. This can be used as a body scrub.
Mix the above scrub with milk and milk cream and apply it on your face. This will provide an instant glow to your face and will reduce dark spots and blemishes too.


Apples are rich in antioxidants. It helps minimize wrinkles and fine lines, keeping the bowels clean. Apply apple juice mixed with honey on your face; let it dry and wash off. This is a very good hydrating face mask. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that indicates that apple benefits for skin & health are many. Apples are probably one of the fruits that can provide you with beautiful skin.


A rich source of antioxidants and an enzyme called papain, papaya can banish skin impurities, reduces unwanted hair, moisturizes dry skin, and remove dead cells. Beside this papaya is a  rich source of Vitamin A, C,  and E.

Rub your face gently with the pulp of the papaya for about a minute to exfoliate, cleanse and soften your skin. You can blend papaya and 2 tablespoons of either honey or yogurt and use this mixture as a mask. Rinse with lukewarm water after 15 minutes and follow up with a moisturizer.

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