Excellent Tips to Live a Healthier Life

  Excellent Tips to Live a Healthier Life

Our body is important for us, and we need to take care of it to have a healthy life. If you repeatedly abuse your body with unhealthy food, you will wear out quickly. While you may look okay on the outside, on the inside, your arteries are getting clogged up with cholesterol and arterial plaque. That’s not a good sight!

Life is beautiful and you don’t want to bog yourself down with unnecessary health issues. Today, your vital organs like kidneys may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don’t take your good health today for granted. Take good care of your body.

Here I will give you 10 excellent tips to live a healthier life.

Tip # 1 Love yourself

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle means loving yourself for who you are before you even move on to doing anything else.If you do not love yourself how someone else will love yourself love is key to a happy and healthier life.

Tip # 2 Drink water in high quantity

Water is essential for our metabolism.Water is 60% of our body weight. Water is needed to carry out our body functions, remove waste and carry nutrients and oxygen throughout our body. We lose water daily through urine, bowel movements, perspiration, and breathing, we need to replace our water intake.

Tip # 3 Get enough sleep

Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles.Less sleep causes us to eat more and more. Usually, it’s junk food. Relax properly and you don’t need to snack to stay awake. Also, lack of sleep causes premature aging, and you wouldn’t want that.

Tip # 4 Meditate

Meditation can improve your overall health.Meditation relaxes our mind. Meditation is a practice where an individual trains his mind to either to realize some benefits or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content.

Tip # 5 Pick exercises you like.

When you like something you’ll naturally want to do that. Exercise isn’t about pulling and pushing yourself; it’s about being healthy and having enjoyment at the same time. The addition of variation in your exercises will keep them interesting.

 Tip # 6 Eat more fruits

Fruits are a plethora of vitamins and minerals.Fruits are good for promoting health. Natural things are more beneficial than synthetic supplements.Eat these nutritious fruits: Watermelon, Apricots, Avocado, Apple, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Guava, Papaya, Strawberries.

Tip # 7 Pick bright colored foods

Fruits and vegetables with bright colors are usually high in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are excellent because they remove free radicals in our body that damage our cells. So get your fill of fruits/vegetables of different colors: White (Bananas, Mushroom), Yellow (Pineapples, Mango), Orange (Orange, Papaya), Red (Apple, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon), Green (Guava, Avocados, Cucumber, Lettuce, Celery), Purple/Blue (Blackberries, Eggplant, Prunes. 

Tip # 8 Take deep breaths

Most of us do not breathe deeply; this fast-paced life has created a nation full of shallow breathers.Oxygen is an ultimate source of life.  Most of us don’t breathe properly.we take only short breaths and breathe to 1/3 of our lung capacity.

Tip # 9 Cut out sugary foods

A high-sugar diet boosts your odds of tooth decay, heart disease, and diabetes, not to mention weight gain.These are your candy bars, your pastries, chocolate, cookies, cakes and jelly donuts. Not only do they not fill you, they trigger you to eat more due to the sugar rush they cause.

Tip # 10 Go for low-calorie, low-fat alternatives

When making a food choice, remember to consider vitamins and minerals. Some foods provide most of their calories from sugar and fat but give you few, if any, vitamins and minerals. There are many low-fat / non-fat alternatives today – from yogurts to salad dressing, soy milk, spreads, ice cream, etc.
