How to Reduce Weight by using pomelo

How to Reduce Weight by using pomelo


Citrus maxima commonly known as Pomelo, pommel lo, a Chinese grapefruit is the largest member of natural citrus fruits shaping like a big grapefruit belongs to Rutaceae family of the plant kingdom. More sweet than sour, with juicy meat and pulp, It is thought to be originated in South East Asia.

Pomelo is mostly cultivated in China and South East Asia and is now widely available in the world.

Nutritional Value of Pomelo
Pomelo is a food with a lot of nutrients packed in it. It has low calories. It supplies high levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber and a good amount of Vitamin B. It contains a high amount of beta-carotene and folic acid and is very beneficial for pregnant women.Pomelo also contains a good amount of potassium which keeps our heart healthy and strong.It also contains Vitamin A, and vitamin C, bioflavonoid, healthy fats, proteins, antioxidants, and enzymes. 

Its ability to boost the immunity, prevents urinary tract infections, improve digestion, promotes healing of wounds, prevents anemia, wards of cold and flu,
 lower blood pressure, reduce cramping,  boost bone strength, reduce signs of premature aging, prevent cancer make your heart stronger, and boost oral and dental health make it a perfect choice.

Pomelo helps in losing weight

But the biggest benefit associated with pomelo is that due to low calories it is a perfect choice in losing weight. Fiber is very important for weight loss. Foods that is high in fiber stays in the stomach for a longer period of time and reduces regular hunger pangs. Because they also need more chewing time giving the body longer period of time to feel satisfied and reducing the risk of too much eating. This fruit also has the ability which help to burn the fat reducing the starch and sugar content in the body.
Long lasting weight loss can be achieved by using it in a proper way.

How to use

1. Select high-quality, in-season pomelo: the peak-growing season is in the fall and winter months.
Pomelo is available 12 months a year but out-of-season fruit has either been stored for a long time or is imported from foreign producers that can reduce its nutritional value.

2. Add your favorite no calorie sweetener on sectioned pomelo for a sweet treat. Take pomelo for one meal per day. Because of pomelo’s high fiber and low-calorie content, you will achieve a feeling of fullness without consuming a lot of calories. It is an ideal way to lose weight.

3. Consume healthy foods in addition to your single pomelo meal per day. We know that pomelo is a low-calorie food; the rest of your diet plays an important role in losing weight tool. Choose lean or low-fat sources of protein, reduced-fat varieties of dairy products, a wide variety of fruits and
Vegetables and whole grains for a well-balanced diet.

4. Limit desserts and sweets to a very small percentage of your overall diet or choose to have a pomelo for dessert. The natural sweetness provides a satisfying end to a meal.
