Losing Weight quick and harmless way

Losing  Weight quick and harmless way

If you are overweight?You are in more danger of getting diseases like hypertension.So try to maintain a healthy weight.By losing extra fat you will look better; it can also take pressure off painful joints and improve overall health. Research shows overweight people with arthritis who lose 10% of their weight have better mobility and 50% less pain. Follow these small steps and lose weight without dieting.

Slow down while eating

Stomach takes some time to tell the brain that yu are full.To help your brain registering fullness, slow down while eating.Make a schedule of 10-15 minutes.after that ask yourself?Are you still hungry?Dig in only if the answer sounds like yes. Eat mindfully, focusing on and savoring each bite without distractions like watching TV. People can cut their daily consumption by 300 calories by eating more slowly.

Use smaller dishes 

Use of smaller dishes can affect you psychologically.Use smaller dishes to reduce how much you eat by as much as 25%. Plate sizes have increased over time so you may be eating more than you realize.A Majority of the peoples eat and drink more when served larger portions. And make sure dish color is different with the food on it; research shows people eat more when food is the same color as the plate.

Use Water in higher proportion

Water has multiple health benefits associated with it.It keeps you hydrated.Americans get more than a fifth of their daily calories just from beverages, so switching to water is a smart weight-loss move. Research shows that drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller, which can help shed pounds, too.

Involve with mates

Make a list of the friends also working to lose weight and join them. Doing so can provide encouragement and motivation. One study shows people who teamed up with successful dieters were 20% more likely to succeed.

Keep walking

Light exercise like walking is a good option to gain and maintain a healthy weight.Cutting calories can help you lose weight, but it also can slow down your metabolism. It’s better to combine physical activity with a nutritious diet to achieve a healthy weight. Walking and water aerobics are great low-impact exercises.

Sleep well

Poor sleep triggers a part of the brain that controls wish to eat and staying up late increases cravings for unhealthy foods, so people tend to eat more after a bad night and make poor food choices later at night.According to latest research When you don't sleep well, the hormones that moderate your appetite get all messed up, so you're left with high levels of the those that tell you to eat, and low levels of the those that tell you when to stop. The result is that You eat way more food than your body actually needs.To keep your hormones in check, establish a consistent bedtime that leaves you with no less than six hours for to sleep.

Avoid carbonated and sugar-sweetened drinks

Of course, water and unsweetened tea does not hit the same spot as a carbonated and sugar-sweetened drink. but getting rid of liquid sugar in your diet is the best way to drastically reduce your caloric intake without changing a single thing you e
