How to speed up metabolism

How to speed up metabolism

Metabolism is a set of all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Metabolism can be divided into two categories:
  • Catabolism - the breakdown of molecules to get energy
  • Anabolism – to make the compounds needed by the cells
Metabolism is linked to nutrition and the availability of nutrients. Energy formation is one of the vital components of metabolism.

The relationship of Nutrition, metabolism and energy

Nutrition is the key to metabolism. The pathways of metabolism depend upon nutrients that they breakdown in order to give out energy. Essential nutrients supply energy and supply the necessary chemicals which the body itself cannot synthesize. Food provides different types of substances that are essential for the building, upkeep, and repair of body tissues, and for the efficient functioning of the body.

Here is a list of foods that help to speed up metabolism. These foods will also help you in losing fat quickly.

1. Green Tea

Studies have proved that those people who drink green tea burn up to an extra 70-100 calories per day due to the antioxidants called catechins present in the green tea.  Multiple studies also prove its efficacy in stimulating metabolism, also provides a variety of other health benefits. Green tea is tasty and it’s also rich in antioxidants that actively fight harmful free radicals that can damage vital organs of human body.

2. Whole Grains

Eating whole grains rather than refined grains lowers total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein  or bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels. Whole grains are full of multidimensional nutrients and complex carbohydrates that speed up metabolism by controlling our insulin levels. Slow-release foods like brown rice offer long-lasting energy, without the spikes associated with other sugar-rich foods. The insulin level should remain low, as stimulation in this chemical asks the body to store extra fat.

3. Hot Peppers

Hot peppers get their heat from an oily chemical compound called capsaicin, found primarily in the membrane surrounding the seeds. Capsaicin stimulates the thermo genesis. It is the process by which the body turns calories into heat to use for fuel Spicy peppers like cayenne, quickly stimulate metabolism and blood circulation. In fact, eating hot peppers not only speeds up your metabolism, it also reduces cravings, temporarily increasing blood circulation and metabolic rate. Recent studies have shown that eating hot peppers can boost the metabolism by up to 25%, with the spike lasting for up to 2 hours.

4. Broccoli

The vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are packed with nutritional power in just a few calories per bite. They have high water and fiber content; this combination helps you feel full and increases your body's ability to burn fat by as much as 30 percent Broccoli is High in calcium (known for losing weight), It is also high in vitamins C, K, and A. One serving of broccoli also provides us with folate and dietary fiber and a variety of antioxidants. Broccoli is also one of the best foods that help in detoxification.

5. Spices

If you choose wisely, the spices you cook with can boost your metabolism and help your body burn more fat, like the three we've rounded up here: ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric. Spices are one of the best ways to keep your metabolic rates high. The quickest spices are black pepper, mustard seeds, powdered onion, and ginger. A recent study proves that using spices enabled people to burn up to 1,000 more calories daily than those not using spices into their diet.

6. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for your body, especially Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been found to reduce insulin spikes, keeping your metabolism humming at a steady rate throughout the day, instead of spiking up or down. Fruits like orange have been shown to help us burn fat and keep our metabolism high.

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