Tips for avoiding damage to your vision

Tips for avoiding damage to your vision


Eyes are the organs for the vision in the organisms.This organ has the ability to process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision.


First of all, Eyes detect light, convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons.In developed organisms like humans, the eye is a complex optical system that collects light from the surrounding area, monetize its intensity through a diaphragm, then focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image.Then it converts this image into a set of electrical signals and transmits these signals to the brain via the optic nerve.

While all eye diseases can be prevented, you can take certain measures to reduce the risk of damage to your vision.Here are some tips to avoid damage to your vision.

Tip # 1 Find out your family, health history

 Be aware of your family's health history. Do you or any of your family members suffer from diabetes or have a history of hypertension? Are you over the age of 60? Are you an African-American over the age of 40? Any of these traits increase your danger for sight-threatening eye diseases. Visit an eye specialist regularly.

    Tip # 2 Analyze changes in your vision

If you start noticing changes in your vision, see your eye specialist immediately. Some trouble signs are hazy, vision, doubling of objects and difficulty seeing in low light conditions. Other signs and symptoms of potentially serious eye problems that need immediate attention include frequent flashes of light, redness of eyes, floaters. Swelling and eye pain.

Tip # 3 Protect your eyes from harmful UV light

Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause certain eye diseases like cataracts, and cancer.It can cause cumulative damage to your vision.So it should be avoided. When outdoor daytime always try to wear sunglasses that shield your eyes from 100 percent of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiations. This may help reduce your risk of cataracts and other eye problems.

Tip # 4  Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Healthy and balanced diet is key to overall as well as eye health.Numerous studies prove that antioxidants can possibly reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. These antioxidants are obtained from eating a diet containing plentiful amounts of fruits and colorful or dark green vegetables.Vitamin A can protect you against blindness, while Vitamin C can save you from glaucoma.

Tip # 5 Eat fish

It is tough to believe that fats are good for health, but let me clear it.I am talking about a good type of fats.Without a good type of fats in your diet, your vision can also be affected. Studies also have shown that eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce your risk of developing macular degeneration. Also, take vitamin A which is vision supporting.

Tip # 6  Get your eyes checked yearly

A Routine eye examination is important regardless of your age or physical health.A detailed eye examination including dilating your pupils can determine your risk for minor eye disorders like eyesight weakness or major eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy.

Tip # 7  Don't smoke

The tobacco smoke contains over 4000 different chemicals that are poisonous to our body.Its smoke can effect eyes a lot.Its smoke can irritate and inflame the conjunctiva.Smokers are at greater risk of developing age-related macular degeneration(Macula is the oval-shaped yellow spot found in the center of the retina containing photo
receptor cells.) cataracts(Cataract is the clouding of our lens) and other eye problems.
